There is nothing more frightening than the sight of your smartphone or tablet hurtling towards the floor at an alarming rate and knowing there is nothing you can do to stop it. Whilst screens are designed to withstand damage upon impact, sometimes as a result of a fall you can find yourself with a cracked and unsightly screen.



Glass & LCD – The Difference

Some of the most common repairs we are faced with are cracked and broken screens. Whether your device has been dropped, is scratched or is experiencing slow touch-screen response, it can be helpful to know the extent of the damage.

Smart devices are made up of two thin layers; a glass screen and a Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) screen. The glass screen is responsible for protecting, viewing and operating your screen. The LCD screen is important for quality display and touch-response. Smart devices integrate touch screen usability with high resolution.

What To Look For?

Whilst your glass screen may be cracked, shattered or scratched, the LCD screen may still be in working order. You can identify whether or not your LCD screen has been damaged by:

• Looking for new, out-of-place lines, scratches or patterns appearing on the screen
• Black spots or blurred / discoloured areas of your screen
• A totally black screen

Luckily,  at Repair King Japan, we offer repairs for your Apple and All Android devices that are reliable, effective and more importantly, quick! Within 60-120 minutes, you can have your expertly repaired and fully-functional smart device back in your hand.